Wor(l)d of Morrissey
  We're back! Welcome to the world of Morrissey's lyrics.

This site and all of the work made to keep it updated during the last 25 years are dedicated to my beloved friend MaCa65 who suddenly left this lonely planet
and me without words. Throughout the short stretch of time that we have been given to spend together as close friends, we shared many things,
thoughts, passions and some bits of Life. Back in 1983, together we discovered a band called The Smiths and together since then, we followed Morrissey's career
as one of the most influential and inspiring singer/artist/poet of our age. Maca65 has always been a strong supporter since when I first launched WoM,
so this is and will always be entirely for you, my friend. -- David

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© 2003-2024
David LM
Alsatian Cousin

Were you and he Lovers?
And would you say so if you were?
On a forecourt
On a Friday
Passing my way

Were you and he Lovers?
And if you were, then say that you were!
On a groundsheet
Under canvas
With your tent-flap
Open wide

A note upon his desk:
"P.S. Bring Me Home And Have Me!"
Leather elbows on a tweed coat
- Oh! Is THAT the best you can do?
So came his reply:
"But on the desk is where I want you!"

So I ask (even though I know):
Were you and he Lovers?

The title of this song is borrowed from Alan Bennett's play "Forty Years On", 1968.

A persistent request for information ("Were you and he Lovers?") and some raw details of a secret love, not too hidden anyway, are the key elements to the lyrics. With a few well-written lines, Morrissey paints a whole three-persons love romance, in which jealousy, passion, sex and ambiguous behaviours all triumph.

leather elbows on a tweed coat: In Britain, leather-elbowed jackets give a distinct suggestion of "old England" when everyone played cricket and drank tea. They are associated with Morrissey's verdant idealistic England, long gone, and only remembered in the old 60s films. The lines could be referring in part to the lover's old-fashioned ideas: Morrissey here is sneering at the hackneyed old way in which the character is leaving out the affair.

Album: Viva Hate
Year of Publication: 1988
Lyrics: Morrissey
Music: Stephen Street

last update: 18/01/2005

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Cugino alsaziano

Siete stati amanti tu e lui?
E se lo siete stati, me lo diresti?
In un cortile anteriore
Di venerdì
Incrociando la mia strada

Siete stati amanti tu e lui?
E se lo siete stati, allora dillo!
In una radura
Sotto la tenda
Con il risvolto della tenda
Completamente spalancato

Un biglietto sulla sua scrivania:
'P.S. Portami a casa tua e fammi tuo!'
Toppe di pelle sui gomiti del cappotto di tweed
- Oh! E' questo il massimo che sai fare?
Questa fu la sua risposta:
'... ma è sulla scrivania che voglio possederti!'

Così chiedo (anche se conosco la risposta):
Siete stati amanti tu e lui?

Il titolo del brano è preso in prestito dal testo messo in scena nel 1968 da Alan Bennett "Forty Years On".

Una domanda ossessiva ("Siete stati amanti tu e lui?") ed una serie di particolari di un amore clandestino, nemmeno troppo nascosto, sono gli elementi base di questo testo. In poche e ben dosate frasi, Morrissey dipinge una intera vicenda amorosa a tre, nella quale trionfano gelosia, passione, sesso e atteggiamenti equivoci.

leather elbows on a tweed coat: in Gran Bretagna le giacche di tweed con le toppe di pelle ai gomiti danno una distinta impressione di "vecchia Inghilterra", quando tutti giocavano a cricket e bevevano té. Sono associate con l'Inghilterra ideale e verdeggiante di Morrissey, ormai lontana e ricordata soltanto dalle pellicole degli anni Sessanta. L'espressione potrebbe riferirsi in parte alle idee vechio stile dell'amante: Morrissey qui deride il vecchio modo trito e ritrito nel quale il personaggio sta chiudendo la storia d'amore.

Album: Viva Hate
Anno di pubblicazione: 1988
Testo: Morrissey
Musica: Stephen Street

ultimo agg.: 18/01/2005

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