Wor(l)d of Morrissey
  We're back! Welcome to the world of Morrissey's lyrics.

This site and all of the work made to keep it updated during the last 25 years are dedicated to my beloved friend MaCa65 who suddenly left this lonely planet
and me without words. Throughout the short stretch of time that we have been given to spend together as close friends, we shared many things,
thoughts, passions and some bits of Life. Back in 1983, together we discovered a band called The Smiths and together since then, we followed Morrissey's career
as one of the most influential and inspiring singer/artist/poet of our age. Maca65 has always been a strong supporter since when I first launched WoM,
so this is and will always be entirely for you, my friend. -- David

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© 2003-2024
David LM
Ambitious Outsiders

Bolt-lock your doors
Alarm your cars
And still we move in closer
Every day
Top of the list
Is your smiling kids
But we'll be smiling too
So that's OK
Oh, and by the way
Thank you, because you're
Giving, giving, giving
And we're receiving -
No, no, we're taking
Keeping the population down

Your taxes paid, but
Police waylaid
And we knows
When the school bus
Comes and goes
We're on your street, but
You don't see us
Or, if you do
You smile and say Hello

When you are
Giving, giving, giving
And we're receiving -
No, no, we're taking
Just keeping
The population down
You're giving, giving, giving
Well, it's your own fault
For reproducing

We're just keeping
The population down

There's a falsely dramatic atmosphere in this song and the lyrics are threatening. If you read well, it is kind of a menacing and paradoxical "manifesto" of gay people against normal heterosexual and bourgeois couples, who pay taxes and give money and sons to the nation. Gay people keep the population down not reproducing, take without giving much and ironically say 'thank you'.

The line we knows when the school bus comes and goes with its grammar mistake is intentionally ironic as it shows the gay people as illiterate and coarse.

Album: Maladjusted
Year of Publication: 1997
Lyrics: Morrissey
Music: Alain Whyte

last update: 10/11/2005

Do you have additions and/or corrections about the lyrics or comments?
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Ambiziosi incompetenti

Sprangate pure le vostre porte
Installate gli allarmi nelle vostre auto
e noi siamo sempre più vicini
ogni giorno
In cima all'elenco
ci sono i vostri sorridenti bambini
Ma anche noi rideremo
Così, va tutto bene
Oh, a proposito
Grazie, perche' voi
date, date, date
e noi riceviamo -
no, no, noi prendiamo
tenendo basso l'incremento della popolazione

Le vostre tasse pagate, ma
la polizia inefficiente
e noi 'sa'
quando il bus della scuola
va e viene
Noi siamo sulle vostre strade, ma
voi non ci vedete
oppure, se ci vedete,
sorridete e dite 'salve'

Quando voi
date, date, date
noi riceviamo -
no, no, noi prendiamo
solo tenendo basso l'incremento
della popolazione
Voi date, date, date
Beh, è tutta colpa vostra
se vi riproducete

Noi teniamo basso
il tasso d'incremento
della popolazione

Un'atmosfera falsamente drammatica per questo brano, sia nella musica che nel testo, piuttosto aggressivo. Se si legge fra le righe appare chiaro come si tratti di una sorta di "manifesto" minaccioso e paradossale al tempo stesso dei gay contro le coppie "normali", eterosessuali e borghesi, che danno figli alla nazione e pagano le tasse. I gay tengono basso l'incremento della popolazione, prendono senza dare molto e ironicamente ringraziano.

L'evidente errore grammaticale in we knows when the school bus comes and goes è intenzionalmente ironico perché dipinge i gay come persone ignoranti e rozze.

Album: Maladjusted
Anno di pubblicazione: 1997
Testo: Morrissey
Musica: Alain Whyte

ultimo agg.: 10/11/2005

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