Wor(l)d of Morrissey
  We're back! Welcome to the world of Morrissey's lyrics.

This site and all of the work made to keep it updated during the last 26 years are dedicated to my beloved friend MaCa65 who suddenly left this lonely planet
and me without words. Throughout the short stretch of time that we have been given to spend together as close friends, we shared many things,
thoughts, passions and some bits of Life. Back in 1983, together we discovered a band called The Smiths and together since then, we followed Morrissey's career
as one of the most influential and inspiring singer/artist/poet of our age. Maca65 has always been a strong supporter since when I first launched WoM,
so this is and will always be entirely for you, my friend. -- David

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© 2003-2025
David LM
Album :: World Of Morrissey

World Of Morrissey

(February 1995)

1. Whatever Happens, I Love You - Morrissey / Alain Whyte
2. Billy Budd - Morrissey / Alain Whyte
3. Jack The Ripper - Morrissey / Boz Boorer
4. Have-A-Go Merchant - Morrissey / Alain Whyte
5. The Loop - Morrissey / Mark E. Nevin
6. Sister, I'm A Poet - Morrissey / Stephen Street
7. You're The One For Me, Fatty - Morrissey / Alain Whyte
8. Boxers - Morrissey / Alain Whyte
9. Moonriver - Mancini / Mercer
10. My Love Life - Morrissey / Mark E. Nevin
11. Certain People I Know - Morrissey / Alain Whyte
12. The Last Of The Famous International Playboys - Morrissey / Stephen Street
13. We'll Let You Know - Morrissey / Alain Whyte
14. Spring-heeled Jim - Morrissey / Boz Boorer


14 items currently available.

Alcune voci dicono che quest'album sia stato pubblicato, nel febbraio del 1995, per liberare Morrissey dagli obblighi contrattuali dell'epoca. La cover star è Cornelius Carr, un pugile. L'immagine è tratta dal video della canzone "Boxers", girato da James O'Brien.

Released in February 1995, this album is rumoured to have been published to rid Morrissey of that time's contractual obligations. Cover star Cornelius Carr, boxer, taken from the video for the song "Boxers", by James O'Brien.