Wor(l)d of Morrissey
  We're back! Welcome to the world of Morrissey's lyrics.

This site and all of the work made to keep it updated during the last 26 years are dedicated to my beloved friend MaCa65 who suddenly left this lonely planet
and me without words. Throughout the short stretch of time that we have been given to spend together as close friends, we shared many things,
thoughts, passions and some bits of Life. Back in 1983, together we discovered a band called The Smiths and together since then, we followed Morrissey's career
as one of the most influential and inspiring singer/artist/poet of our age. Maca65 has always been a strong supporter since when I first launched WoM,
so this is and will always be entirely for you, my friend. -- David

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© 2003-2025
David LM
Album :: The Queen Is Dead

The Queen Is Dead

(June 1986)

1. The Queen Is Dead - Morrissey / Johnny Marr
2. Frankly, Mr. Shankly - Morrissey / Johnny Marr
3. I Know It's Over - Morrissey / Johnny Marr
4. Never Had No One Ever - Morrissey / Johnny Marr
5. Cemetry Gates - Morrissey / Johnny Marr
6. Bigmouth Strikes Again - Morrissey / Johnny Marr
7. The Boy With The Thorn In His Side - Morrissey / Johnny Marr
8. Vicar In A Tutu - Morrissey / Johnny Marr
9. There Is A Light That Never Goes Out - Morrissey / Johnny Marr
10. Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others - Morrissey / Johnny Marr


10 items currently available.

L'album preferito dalla critica, uscito nel 1986, portò gli Smiths all'apice della loro carriera. Il duo Morrissey/Marr sembrava non poter produrre altro che il massimo della qualità. The Hated Salford Ensemble, citato all'interno dell'album è naturalmente Johnny Marr stesso, che ha arrangiato gli archi al sintetizzatore in quest'album. In seguito si accrediterà come "Orchestrazia Ardwick" in Strangeways, Here We Come, dal nome di una zona di Manchester.

The music critics' favourite, this 1986 album caught The Smiths, in many ways, at their peak. The songwriting duo Morrissey and Johnny Marr seemed to be able to produce nothing but quality. The Hated Salford Ensemble is, of course, Johnny Marr, who arranged the synth strings on this album, and later credited himself as "Orchestrazia Ardwick" on Strangeways, Here We Come, after another area of Manchester.