Wor(l)d of Morrissey
  We're back! Welcome to the world of Morrissey's lyrics.

This site and all of the work made to keep it updated during the last 26 years are dedicated to my beloved friend MaCa65 who suddenly left this lonely planet
and me without words. Throughout the short stretch of time that we have been given to spend together as close friends, we shared many things,
thoughts, passions and some bits of Life. Back in 1983, together we discovered a band called The Smiths and together since then, we followed Morrissey's career
as one of the most influential and inspiring singer/artist/poet of our age. Maca65 has always been a strong supporter since when I first launched WoM,
so this is and will always be entirely for you, my friend. -- David

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The World Won't Listen
Vauxhall And I
Viva Hate
Without Music The World Dies
World Of Morrissey
World Peace Is None Of Your Business
Years Of Refusal
You Are The Quarry
Your Arsenal

© 2003-2025
David LM
Who's Who Reference List ::

Farley, Andy
Member of The Hoax.

Ferrari, Nick
Slimy Sun reporter whose piece "Child Sex Song Puts Beeb In A Spin" started a scandal against The Smiths.

Ferry, Brian
Ex Roxy Music frontman, became friend of Marr's during 1986. He also added lyrics to the instrumental Money Changes Everything, calling it "The Right Stuff" and released it as a single, featuring Johnny on guitar. The B-side is an instrumental version oddly credited only to Bryan Ferry...

Gannon, Craig
"5th member" who provided 2nd guitar in live shows and was the temporary replacement bassist when Andy Rourke was sacked. Used to play with Aztec Camera, and Colourfield.

Gough, Caryn
Worked on the sleeve artwork for The Smiths.

Hando, Stoney
Morrissey signed off a press release for Maladjusted using this name which is the name of a skinhead character in the Australian film "Romper Stomper".

Heart, Steve
Played on Kill Uncle, notably the bizarre sound effects in The Harsh Truth Of The Camera Eye.

Herman's Hermits
60's Manchester band. Morrissey covered their song, East West.

Hindley, Myra
One of the Moors Murderers, with Ian Brady (see Suffer Little Children).

Hoax, The
Mike Joyce's original band.

Hood, Fred
Grant Showbiz's co-conspirator, drummer and friend of Marr's. Played drums with The Smiths on The Draize Train and How Soon Is Now? at Brixton Academy in October 1986.

Hughes, Sean
Comedian and Morrissey fan. His old show "Sean's Show" regularly featured Morrissey-related jokes.

Hynde, Chrissie
Morrissey-collaborator and frontperson of The Pretenders, singing on My Love Life.

Jablonska, Annalisa
Sang on Suffer Little Children and Pretty Girls Make Graves.

Jam, The
Three-piece band fronted by Paul Weller. Morrissey covered their song That's Entertainment.

Smiths-contemporary band, with mutual admiration. The Smiths covered their song What's The World? live.

Jarman, Derek
Ex-director who did a short film backed by the songs The Queen Is Dead, Panic, and There Is A Light That Never Goes Out. The video was done without The Smiths' collaboration, although the band did meet Jarman several times under other circumstances.

Jense, David "Kid"
Radio DJ who broadcast several Smiths sessions.

Joyce, Mike
The Smiths' drummer, formerly of The Hoax.

Kris, Kirk
Journalist who wrote an article complaining about Morrissey's sexual ambiguity when he uses gay icons on the front of The Smith's record covers.

Lillywhite, Steve
Morrissey's long-time producer.

Lopez, Robert
AKA El Vez. Opened for Morrissey for the Santa Barbara show on the 1999 Oye Esteban tour. Morrissey has stated in several interviews that he is a fan of his. Lopez also played in a gothic reggae band called Catholic Discipline with Phranc on vocals. See http://members.aol.com/elvezco/.

Spencer Cobrin and Alain Whyte's band.

Band fronted by Morrissey's friend, Linder Sterling.

MacColl, Kirsty
Sang on Ask and Interesting Drug. Married to producer Steve Lillywhite.

Maker, James
Friend of Morrissey's during the early days of The Smiths. Appeared as a go-go dancer with The Smiths at some of the early gigs.

Mardy, Steve
Member of The Hoax.

Marr, John
Born John Maher, the brilliant tunesmith of The Smiths.

McCullough, Dave
Foolish Smiths-friendly reporter who started the whole child sex thing due to an unfortunate misinterpretation.

Memphis Sinners, The
Band that once boasted Alain Whyte, Gary Day and Spencer James Cobrin.

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