Wor(l)d of Morrissey
  We're back! Welcome to the world of Morrissey's lyrics.

This site and all of the work made to keep it updated during the last 25 years are dedicated to my beloved friend MaCa65 who suddenly left this lonely planet
and me without words. Throughout the short stretch of time that we have been given to spend together as close friends, we shared many things,
thoughts, passions and some bits of Life. Back in 1983, together we discovered a band called The Smiths and together since then, we followed Morrissey's career
as one of the most influential and inspiring singer/artist/poet of our age. Maca65 has always been a strong supporter since when I first launched WoM,
so this is and will always be entirely for you, my friend. -- David

Lyrics Updates
Who's Who
Literary Treasure Hunt
LTH Form
Full-Text Lyrics Search
Beethoven Was Deaf
Bona Drag
Greatest Hits
Hatful Of Hollow
I Am Not A Dog On A Chain
Kill Uncle
Live At Earls Court
Louder Than Bombs
Low In High School
Meat Is Murder
My Early Burglary Years
Rare Tracks
Ringleader Of The Tormentors
Southpaw Grammar
Southpaw Grammar (LE)
Strangeways, Here We Come
The Queen Is Dead
The Smiths
The World Won't Listen
Vauxhall And I
Viva Hate
Without Music The World Dies
World Of Morrissey
World Peace Is None Of Your Business
Years Of Refusal
You Are The Quarry
Your Arsenal

© 2003-2024
David LM
Album :: [unreleased]

(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame - Doc Pomus/Mort Shuman/Elvis Presley / Doc Pomus/Mort Shuman/Elvis Presley
(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I - Bill Trader / Bill Trader
A Matter Of Opinion - Morrissey / Johnny Marr
Action Is My Middle Name - Morrissey / Boz Boorer?
Bed Took Fire - Morrissey / Stephen Street
Born To Hang - Morrissey / Mark E. Nevin
Don't Blow Your Own Horn - Morrissey / Johnny Marr
Fantastic Bird - Morrissey / Alain Whyte
Hanratty - Morrissey / Spencer J. Cobrin
Happy Lovers At Last United - Morrissey / Stephen Street
Honey, You Know Where To Find Me - Morrissey / Boz Boorer
I Know Very Well How I Got My Note Wrong - Morrissey / Stephen Street / Vini Reilly
I Misses You - Morrissey / Johnny Marr
I Want A Boy For My Birthday - The Cookies / The Cookies
I'm Playing Easy To Get - Morrissey / Boz Boorer
Kit - Morrissey / Boz Boorer
Lifeguard On Duty - Morrissey / Stephen Street
Oh Phoney - Morrissey / Kevin Armstrong
People Are The Same Everywhere - Morrissey / Jesse Tobias?
Piccadilly Palare (unreleased) - Morrissey / Kevin Armstrong
Please Help The Cause Against Loneliness - Morrissey / Stephen Street
Scandinavia - Morrissey / Boz Boorer
Striptease With A Difference - Morrissey / Stephen Street
The Kid's A Looker - Morrissey / Boz Boorer
What Difference Does It Make? (Peel sessions) - Morrissey / Johnny Marr
What Do You See In Him? - Morrissey / Johnny Marr
You Should Have Been Nice To Me - Morrissey / Boz Boorer


27 items currently available.