Wor(l)d of Morrissey
  We're back! Welcome to the world of Morrissey's lyrics.

This site and all of the work made to keep it updated during the last 25 years are dedicated to my beloved friend MaCa65 who suddenly left this lonely planet
and me without words. Throughout the short stretch of time that we have been given to spend together as close friends, we shared many things,
thoughts, passions and some bits of Life. Back in 1983, together we discovered a band called The Smiths and together since then, we followed Morrissey's career
as one of the most influential and inspiring singer/artist/poet of our age. Maca65 has always been a strong supporter since when I first launched WoM,
so this is and will always be entirely for you, my friend. -- David

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© 2003-2024
David LM
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03/10/2007 - Nuovo album per Morrissey nel 2008
Secondo quanto dichiarato al sito BBC News: "Il programma prevede di registrare un nuovo album dopo questo tour. E' già tutto scritto e assolutamente pronto.". I lavori per il nuovo disco inizieranno a metà novembre negli States, "ma non sarà pronto prima del 2008.". Morrissey e la sua band sono stati in tour negli ultimi 18 mesi e chiuderanno questa loro maratona di 177 concerti il 2 novembre a Washington.

Morrissey's new album out next September 2008
Speaking to the BBC News website he said: "The plan is to make a new album after this tour. It's absolutely written and completely ready." He plans to record it in the US but insists it "won't be ready until 2008." Morrissey and his band have been on the road for the last 18 months and will close their 177-date tour in Washington on 2 November.

22/08/2007 - La parte finale del tour USA per Morrissey

Ecco le date finali del tour per il Messico e gli USA. Kristeen Young farà da supporto.

September 20 TIJUANA, MEXICO : El Foro
September 21 LAS VEGAS, NV : The Pearl
September 23 SAN FRANCISCO, CA : Fillmore
September 24 SAN FRANCISCO, CA : Fillmore
September 26 SAN FRANCISCO, CA : Fillmore
September 27 SAN FRANCISCO, CA : Fillmore
September 29 SANTA BARBARA, CA : County Bowl
October 1 LOS ANGELES, CA : Palladium
October 2 LOS ANGELES, CA : Palladium
October 4 LOS ANGELES, CA : Palladium
October 5 LOS ANGELES, CA : Palladium
October 6 LOS ANGELES, CA : Palladium
October 8 LOS ANGELES, CA : Palladium
October 9 LOS ANGELES, CA : Palladium
October 11 LOS ANGELES, CA : Palladium
October 12 LOS ANGELES, CA : Palladium
October 13 LOS ANGELES, CA : Palladium
October 15 SALT LAKE CITY, UT : Thanksgiving Point
October 17 WAUKEGAN, IL : Genesee Theatre
October 19 ROYAL OAK, MI : Royal Oak Music Theatre
October 20 MERRILLVILLE, IN : Star Plaza
October 22 NEW YORK, NY : Hammerstein Ballroom
October 23 NEW YORK, NY : Hammerstein Ballroom
October 26 NEW YORK, NY : Hammerstein Ballroom
October 27 NEW YORK, NY : Hammerstein Ballroom
October 28 NEW YORK, NY : Hammerstein Ballroom
October 30 BOSTON, MA : Orpheum
October 31 BALTIMORE, MD : Rams Head
November 2 WASHINGTON, DC : Constitution Hall

Mexico and U.S. tour dates

The final dates of Morrissey's tour are as follows. Support will be Kristeen Young.

September 20 TIJUANA, MEXICO : El Foro
September 21 LAS VEGAS, NV : The Pearl
September 23 SAN FRANCISCO, CA : Fillmore
September 24 SAN FRANCISCO, CA : Fillmore
September 26 SAN FRANCISCO, CA : Fillmore
September 27 SAN FRANCISCO, CA : Fillmore
September 29 SANTA BARBARA, CA : County Bowl
October 1 LOS ANGELES, CA : Palladium
October 2 LOS ANGELES, CA : Palladium
October 4 LOS ANGELES, CA : Palladium
October 5 LOS ANGELES, CA : Palladium
October 6 LOS ANGELES, CA : Palladium
October 8 LOS ANGELES, CA : Palladium
October 9 LOS ANGELES, CA : Palladium
October 11 LOS ANGELES, CA : Palladium
October 12 LOS ANGELES, CA : Palladium
October 13 LOS ANGELES, CA : Palladium
October 15 SALT LAKE CITY, UT : Thanksgiving Point
October 17 WAUKEGAN, IL : Genesee Theatre
October 19 ROYAL OAK, MI : Royal Oak Music Theatre
October 20 MERRILLVILLE, IN : Star Plaza
October 22 NEW YORK, NY : Hammerstein Ballroom
October 23 NEW YORK, NY : Hammerstein Ballroom
October 26 NEW YORK, NY : Hammerstein Ballroom
October 27 NEW YORK, NY : Hammerstein Ballroom
October 28 NEW YORK, NY : Hammerstein Ballroom
October 30 BOSTON, MA : Orpheum
October 31 BALTIMORE, MD : Rams Head
November 2 WASHINGTON, DC : Constitution Hall

04/07/2007 - Il nuovo brano di Morrissey al David Letterman Show
Se non avete ancora ascoltato "That's How People Grow Up", su YouTube è disponbile la performance dal vivo di Morrissey e della sua band, con una scintillante Kristeen Young come corista d'eccezione! Morrissey ha partecipato allo show lo scorso 25 giugno, che poi è stato trasmesso il successivo 29 giugno. Da notare la voce e l'abito (si fa per dire) della giovane corista, che apre i concerti del tour di Morrissey da due anni.

Morrissey's new track on David Letterman Show
If you still didn't listen to "That's People Grow Up", here on YouTube you can see the live performance of Morrissey and his band, together with a glittering Kristeen Young as an exceptional choralist! To be noticed Kristeen's voice and piece of clothing!

01/07/2007 - Solo 30 minuti di concerto a Boston per Morrissey
Davanti ai 5000 spettatori che gremivano il Bank Of America Pavilion di Boston, ha dovuto fermarsi. Dopo soli 30 minuti e 7 brani, è stato costretto a concludere a causa di una infezione alla gola. Alle prime battute di "National Front Disco", Morrissey ha avvertito il pubblico che la voce gli stava andando via. Morrissey ha in qualche modo completato altre tre canzoni, poi ha abbandonato il palco. I medici gli hanno ordinato di non cantare per i successivi 3 giorni, quindi alcune date fissate sulla East Coast sono state rimandate, compresa quella del Madison Square Garden di New York.

Gig of only 30 minutes in Boston for Morrissey
Morrissey just days ago halted his Boston performance at the Bank Of America Pavilion due to a throat infection, after he performed seven tracks only. When he started "National Front Disco", he advised the audience that his voice was fading away, then he completed three more songs before he left the stage. He was ordered by doctors not to sing for three days, and cancelled two east coast shows. The Madison Square Garden date is post-poned and currently being rescheduled.

01/06/2007 - Nuovo brano "That's How People Grow Up" registrato a Houston per il prossimo CD Greatest Hits
Dopo lo spettacolo di Houston, tenuto in questi giorni, Morrissey non ha lasciato la città. Lui e la sua band si sono rifugiati nel Sunrise Sound Studio per registrare un brano intitolato "That's How People Grow Up" per la prossima raccolta Greatest Hits. Il brano è stato prodotto da Jeremy Simms e Joe McGrath, che ha lavorato anche alla pubblicazione di Morrissey del 2004.

New track "That’s How People Grow Up" recorded in Houston for upcoming Greatest Hits CD
After his show in Houston Morrissey didn’t leave town. He and his band have been holed up in Houston’s Sunrise Sound Studio recording a track titled “That’s How People Grow Up” for his upcoming Greatest Hits CD. The track was produced and engineered by Jeremy Simms and Joe McGrath, who also worked the levers for Morrissey’s 2004 release.

16/03/2007 - Ecco la prima parte del nuovo tour USA

Secondo quanto riportato dal sito web TrueToYou, i biglietti per il tour statunitense di Morrissey saranno in vendita a partire dal prossimo 31 marzo. Le date per la prima parte del tour USA sono:

Fri 27 STOCKTON, CA : Bob Hope Theater [1,896 cap]
Sat 28 SPARKS, NV : John Ascuaga's Celebrity Showroom [700 cap]
Sun 29 SPARKS, NV : John Ascuaga's Celebrity Showroom

Tue 1 OAKLAND, CA : Paramount Theater [2,840 cap]
Wed 2 SANTA ROSA, CA : Wells Fargo Center [1,482 cap]
Sat 5 SPOKANE, WA: INB Performing Arts Center [2,700]
Sun 6 SEATTLE, WA : Paramount [2,782]
Tue 8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT : E Center Ford Theater [3,500]
Wed 9 DENVER, CO : Fillmore [3,600]
Fri 11 OMAHA, NE : Orpheum [2,586]
Sat 12 MILWAUKEE, WI : Riverside [2,304]
Mon 14 ANN ARBOR, MI : Michigan Theater [1,591]
Tue 15 CHICAGO, IL : Auditorium [3,635]
Thur 17 CLEVELAND, OH : Playhouse Square Center [2,837]
Fri 18 COLUMBUS, OH : Palace Theater [2,705]
Mon 21 INDIANAPOLIS, IN : Murat Center [2,889]
Tue 22 ST LOUIS, MO : The Pageant [2,000]
Wed 23 KANSAS CITY, MO : Uptown Theater [2,200]
Fri 25 DALLAS, TX : Palladium [2,800]
Sat 26 AUSTIN, TX : Backyard [5,000]
Mon 28 HOUSTON, TX : Verizon [2,815]
Wed 30 EL PASO, TX : County Coliseum [3,500]
Thur 31 TUCSON, AZ : Music Hall [2,289]

Sat 2 PHOENIX, AZ : Maricopa County Events Center [6,500]
Sun 3 SAN DIEGO, CA : Bayside Concerts [10,000]
Tue 5 VENTURA, CA : Majestic Ventura Theater [1,200]
Wed 6 RIVERSIDE, CA : Riverside Municipal Audit [1,950]
Fri 8 LOS ANGELES, CA : Hollywood Bowl [17,562]
Sat 9 LAS VEGAS, NV : Pearl [2,352]

Morrissey US Tour - First part

According to TrueToYou website, tickets for the US lovely long leg of Morrissey's tour will be on sale on 31 March. The dates for the first part of Morrissey's U.S. tour are as follows:

Fri 27 STOCKTON, CA : Bob Hope Theater [1,896 cap]
Sat 28 SPARKS, NV : John Ascuaga's Celebrity Showroom [700 cap]
Sun 29 SPARKS, NV : John Ascuaga's Celebrity Showroom

Tue 1 OAKLAND, CA : Paramount Theater [2,840 cap]
Wed 2 SANTA ROSA, CA : Wells Fargo Center [1,482 cap]
Sat 5 SPOKANE, WA: INB Performing Arts Center [2,700]
Sun 6 SEATTLE, WA : Paramount [2,782]
Tue 8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT : E Center Ford Theater [3,500]
Wed 9 DENVER, CO : Fillmore [3,600]
Fri 11 OMAHA, NE : Orpheum [2,586]
Sat 12 MILWAUKEE, WI : Riverside [2,304]
Mon 14 ANN ARBOR, MI : Michigan Theater [1,591]
Tue 15 CHICAGO, IL : Auditorium [3,635]
Thur 17 CLEVELAND, OH : Playhouse Square Center [2,837]
Fri 18 COLUMBUS, OH : Palace Theater [2,705]
Mon 21 INDIANAPOLIS, IN : Murat Center [2,889]
Tue 22 ST LOUIS, MO : The Pageant [2,000]
Wed 23 KANSAS CITY, MO : Uptown Theater [2,200]
Fri 25 DALLAS, TX : Palladium [2,800]
Sat 26 AUSTIN, TX : Backyard [5,000]
Mon 28 HOUSTON, TX : Verizon [2,815]
Wed 30 EL PASO, TX : County Coliseum [3,500]
Thur 31 TUCSON, AZ : Music Hall [2,289]

Sat 2 PHOENIX, AZ : Maricopa County Events Center [6,500]
Sun 3 SAN DIEGO, CA : Bayside Concerts [10,000]
Tue 5 VENTURA, CA : Majestic Ventura Theater [1,200]
Wed 6 RIVERSIDE, CA : Riverside Municipal Audit [1,950]
Fri 8 LOS ANGELES, CA : Hollywood Bowl [17,562]
Sat 9 LAS VEGAS, NV : Pearl [2,352]

09/02/2007 - Una mostra fotografica su Morrissey a New York
(da rockol.it) - Il fotografo Ryan McGinley ha seguito per quasi due anni i concerti di Morrissey in Gran Bretagna, USA e Messico. McGinley ha scattato migliaia di foto, ed alla fine ha scelto le 20 migliori per una mostra intitolata "Irregular regulars" che rimarrà aperta a New York City solo fino al prossimo 10 febbraio. L'esposizione si svolge presso la Team Gallery, 83 Grand Street, tra Wooster e Green. Stampe a tiratura limitata sono in vendita in loco, con prezzi decisamente alti. Tre scatti sono visibili a questo indirizzo: http://www.teamgal.com/mcginley/06show/index.html

A photograph exhibition on Morrissey in New York
(source: rockol.it) - Photographer Ryan McGinley has tracked down Morrissey's tour for two years in UK, USA and Mexico. He shot thousands photographs and then he chose the 20 most exciting for an exhibition named "Irregular regulars" at the Team Gallery, 83 Grand Street, New York City, open 'til next February 10. Limited edition prints can be bought at the exhibition, although at a very high price. Three shots are available here: http://www.teamgal.com/mcginley/06show/index.html

18/01/2007 - Morrissey e l'Eurofestival: forse solo un sogno
Sembra che lo staff BBC di produzione dell'Eurofestival possa aver frainteso l'ironia con l'entusiasmo. Un portavoce della Sanctuary, la casa discografica attuale di Morrissey, ha dichiarato che sebbene ancora non abbiano ricevuto un "no" formale dal cantante, l'idea stessa non potrà avere seguito. "Ha certamente ricevuto un invito, ma pensiamo che non sia probabile che porti avanti questo progetto." La BBC ha rifiutato di chiarire meglio l'accaduto, affermando che la vicenda era ancora in una "fase di discussione preliminare" e che Morrissey è stato solo uno dei molti artisti e case discografiche che sono state interpellate. Ad esempio, Jarvis Cocker (ex Pulp) è stato uno di questi.

Morrissey and the Eurovision: maybe only a dream
It appears the BBC Eurovision production team may have mistaken irony for enthusiasm. A spokeswoman for Sanctuary, Morrissey's record company, said that while they have not had a definitive "no" from the singer, the idea appeared to be, "a non-starter". She added: "He has certainly had an invitation, but we think it is unlikely he will be taking this forward." The BBC refused to shed further light, saying that matters were at an "early discussion stage" and stressing that Morrissey was only one of several artists and record companies who had been approached (one of these being the ex-frontman of Pulp Jarvis Cocker).

18/01/2007 - Cambio di band per il tour USA
La nuova line-up della band che accompagna Morrissey nel nuovo tour americano del 2007 sarà composta da Boz Boorer (chitarra), Jesse Tobias (chitarra), Solomon Walker (basso), Matt Walker (batteria) e Vincent Jones (tastiere). Il bassista Gary Day ed il tastierista Michael Farrell lasciano ufficialmente il loro posto per ragioni che restano sostanzialmente oscure. Solomon Walker (fratello di Matt) e Vincent Jones saliranno sul palco per la prima volta il primo febbraio. Jones è un session man canadese che ha suonato con artisti del calibro di Dave Gahan e Bruce McCulloch, mentre Solomon era un membro degli Year Of The Rabbit e ha suonato, tra gli altri, con James Iha e i Veruca Salt.

New band line-up for Morrissey's USA Tour 2007
The backing band for the new American Tour will include Boz Boorer (back guitars), Jesse Tobias (guitars), Solomon Walker (bass), Matt Walker (drums) and Vincent Jones (keyboards). Bassist Gary Day and keyboardist Michael Farrell officially leave the band for reasons that remain obscure. Solomon Walker (Matt's brother) and Vincent Jones will be on stage for the first time next February the 1st. Jones is a Canadian session man who played with artists like Dave Gahan and Bruce McCulloch, and Walker was a member of Year Of The Rabbit and played also with James Iha and the Veruca Salt.

15/01/2007 - Morrissey ed il sogno dell'Eurofestival
Il prossimo concorso dell'Eurofestival potrebbe vedere la partecipazione straordinaria di Morrissey, in gara per il Regno Unito. La BBC è al momento in trattative con il cantante che potrebbe scrivere e interpretare la canzone da presentare in gara il prossimo maggio. Niente è confermato al momento e la BBC avrebbe anzi contatto altre star di alto profilo per assicurarsi la vittoria. Da sempre l'Eurofestival è un pallino del cantante: il video di "You Have Killed Me" era ambientato in una finta cornice anni '70 della gara canora e Morrissey è un vero esperto del concorso che ha sempre seguito fin da piccolo.

Morrissey and the dream of Eurovision Song Contest
Next Eurovision song contest could bring along the appearance of Morrissey, contending for England. BBC is currently negotiating with the singer who could write and sing the song to be in the contest next May 2007. Morrissey's attendance is not confirmed at the moment and BBC have also contacted other high-profile artists to go for the first place. The Eurovison song contest has always been a sort of mania for Morrissey: he's actually an expert of its history and he also appears in the "You Have Killed Me" video as a Seventies' old-fashioned singer at the contest.

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